From VASP Wiki

NOMEGA_DUMP = [integer] 

Default: NOMEGA_DUMP = -1
Warning: Available as of version 6.3.2.

Description: NOMEGA_DUMP selects the imaginary frequency point of screened potential in low-scaling GW calculations that is written to file.

Mind: This tag can be used to obtain WFULLxxxx.tmp for BSE calculations.

NOMEGA_DUMP selects the imaginary frequency point of the screened Coulomb kernel that is written to WFULLxxxx.tmp in low-scaling GW calculations. If set to 0, WFULLxxxx.tmp contains the screened Coulomb interaction W at . For positive values, these files contain the screened Coulomb interaction at the corresponding imaginary frequency point. For negative values, WFULLxxxx.tmp is not written.

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