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Show new changes starting from 04:34, 22 January 2025
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20 January 2025

     20:04  LSFBXC‎‎ 3 changes history +332 [Huebsch‎ (3×)]
20:04 (cur | prev) +11 Huebsch talk contribs
20:01 (cur | prev) −9 Huebsch talk contribs
19:50 (cur | prev) +330 Huebsch talk contribs
     19:51  Template:Cite diffhist +452 Huebsch talk contribs
     15:17  Electron-phonon potential from supercells‎‎ 2 changes history +325 [Mani‎ (2×)]
15:17 (cur | prev) +305 Mani talk contribs (Add related tags and articles)
14:48 (cur | prev) +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     15:16  Transport coefficients including electron-phonon scattering‎‎ 2 changes history +284 [Mani‎ (2×)]
15:16 (cur | prev) +264 Mani talk contribs (Add related tags and articles)
14:47 (cur | prev) +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     15:16  Bandgap renormalization due to electron-phonon coupling‎‎ 2 changes history +281 [Mani‎ (2×)]
15:16 (cur | prev) +261 Mani talk contribs (Add related tags and articles)
14:47 (cur | prev) +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     15:12  Electron-phonon interactions from Monte-Carlo sampling diffhist +187 Mani talk contribs (→‎Related tags and articles: Add links to perturbative approaches)
     15:08  Category:Electron-phonon interactions diffhist +1 Mani talk contribs (→‎Stochastic displacements approach: Remove ZG)

17 January 2025

     14:29  ELPH USEBLAS diffhist +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:29  ENCUTLR diffhist +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:29  IFC ASR diffhist +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:29  IFC LR diffhist +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:29  KPOINTS ELPH diffhist +21 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:29  KPOINTS OPT MODE diffhist +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:29  TRANSPORT NEDOS diffhist +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:29  TRANSPORT RELAXATION TIME diffhist +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:28  PHON LBOSE diffhist −44 Mani talk contribs (Improve version notice)
     14:27  ELPH SELFEN STATIC diffhist +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:27  ELPH SELFEN TEMPS diffhist +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:27  ELPH SELFEN WRANGE diffhist +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:27  ELPH TRANSPORT diffhist +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:26  ELPH TRANSPORT DFERMI TOL diffhist +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:26  ELPH TRANSPORT DRIVER diffhist +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:26  ELPH TRANSPORT EMAX diffhist +21 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:26  ELPH TRANSPORT EMIN diffhist +21 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:26  LPARDH5 diffhist −37 Wolloch talk contribs
     14:26  ELPH SELFEN NW diffhist +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:26  ELPH SELFEN MU diffhist +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:26  ELPH SELFEN KPTS diffhist +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:26  ELPH SELFEN IKPT diffhist +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:25  EFOR diffhist −37 Wolloch talk contribs
     14:25  ELPH SELFEN GAPS diffhist +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:24  ELPH SELFEN FAN diffhist +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:24  ELPH SELFEN DW diffhist +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:24  ELPH SELFEN DELTA diffhist +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:24  ELPH SELFEN CARRIER PER CELL diffhist +19 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:24  ELPH SELFEN CARRIER DEN diffhist +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:24  ELPH SELFEN BAND STOP diffhist +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:24  ELPH SELFEN BAND START diffhist +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:24  ELPH SCATTERING APPROX diffhist +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:23  ELPH RUN diffhist +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:23  ELPH POT LATTICE diffhist +21 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:23  ELPH POT GENERATE diffhist +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:22  ELPH POT FFT MESH diffhist +21 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:22  ELPH NBANDS SUM diffhist +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)
     14:22  ELPH NBANDS diffhist +20 Mani talk contribs (Add availability notice)