In density functional theory we solve the Hamiltonian

Taking derivatives with respect to the ionic positions
we obtain the Sternheimer equation
\left[ H(\mathbf{k}) - e_{n\mathbf{k}}S(\mathbf{k}) \right]
| \partial_{u_i^a}\psi_{n\mathbf{k}} \rangle
-\partial_{u_i^a} \left[ H(\mathbf{k}) - e_{n\mathbf{k}}S(\mathbf{k})\right]
| \psi_{n\mathbf{k}} \rangle
Once the derivative of the orbitals is computed from the Sternheimer equation we can write

The second-order force constants are then computed using
\frac{\partial^2E}{\partial u^a_i \partial u^b_j}=
-\frac{\partial F^a_i}{\partial u^b_j}
yields the forces for a given set of orbitals.
The internal strain tensor is computed using
\Xi^a_{il}=\frac{\partial^2 E}{\partial u^a_i \partial u^b_j}=
\frac{\partial \sigma_l}{\partial u^a_i}
At the end of the calculation if LEPSILON=.TRUE., the Born effective charges are computed using Eq. (42) of Ref. [1].

is the atom index,
the direction of the displacement of atom and
the polarization direction.
The results should be equivalent to the ones obtained using LCALCEPS and LEPSILON.
When IBRION=7 or 8 VASP solves the Sternheimer equation above with an ionic displacement perturbation.
If IBRION=7 no symmetry is used and the displacement of all the ions is computed.
When IBRION=8 only the irreducible displacements are computed with the physical quantities being reconstructed by symmetry.