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Show new changes starting from 15:13, 18 December 2024
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18 December 2024

N    15:08  ELPH TRANSPORT EMAX diffhist +807 Mani talk contribs (Create page)
N    15:07  ELPH TRANSPORT EMIN diffhist +807 Mani talk contribs (Create page)
 m   14:55  LPHON POLAR diffhist −22 Mani talk contribs (Use default option for tagdef template)
     14:46  Category:Bethe-Salpeter equations diffhist +1 Tal talk contribs
     14:42  (Deletion log) [Karsai‎ (5×)]
14:42 Karsai talk contribs deleted page Construction:ML ICRITERIA(content was: "{{DISPLAYTITLE:ML_ICRITERIA}} {{TAGDEF|ML_ICRITERIA|[integer]}} {{DEF|ML_ICRITERIA|3|if {{TAG|ML_MODE}} {{=}} SELECT and {{TAG|ML_CALGO}} {{=}} 1|1| if {{TAG|ML_MODE}} !{{=}} SELECT and {{TAG|ML_CALGO}} {{=}} 1|0|if {{TAG|ML_CALGO}}{{=}} 0 }} Description: Decides how the error threshold ({{TAG|ML_CTIFOR}}) is updated within the machine learning force field method. {{TAG|ML_CTIF...", and the only contributor was "Karsai" (talk))
14:41 Karsai talk contribs deleted page Construction:ML CTIFOR(content was: "{{DISPLAYTITLE:ML_CTIFOR}} {{DEF|ML_CTIFOR|0.002|if {{TAG|ML_CALGO}} {{=}} 0|0.02|if {{TAG|ML_CALGO}} {{=}} 1}} Description: This flag sets the threshold for the error estimation in the machine learning force field method. ---- The use of this tag in combination with the learning algorithms is described here: Machine learning force field calculations: Basics#Sampling of traini...", and the only contributor was "Karsai" (talk))
14:39 Karsai talk contribs deleted page Construction:ML CALGO(content was: "{{DISPLAYTITLE:ML_CALGO}} {{TAGDEF|ML_CALGO|[integer]|0}} Description: Chooses error estimation type for on-the-fly training or reselection of local referenc configurations. ---- This tag chooes which algorithm is employed for the error estimation in {{TAG|ML_MODE}}=''TRAIN'' or ''SELECT''. The following two choices are available: *{{TAG|ML_CALGO}}=0: Bayesian error estimation....", and the only contributor was "Karsai" (talk))
14:39 Karsai talk contribs deleted page Construction:ML IERR(content was: "{{DISPLAYTITLE:ML_IERR}} {{TAGDEF|ML_IERR|[integer]|0}} Description: Calculation and output frequency of error estimates for {{TAG|ML_MODE}}=''RUN'' computations. ---- This tag sets the interval in units of molecular-dynamics steps at which the error estimates are written to the {{TAG|ML_LOGFILE}}. The error estimate is computed by utilizing the spilling factor if a refit with {{TAG|ML_MODE}}=''REFIT'' was done. The Ma...")
14:34 Karsai talk contribs deleted page Construction:Best practices for machine-learned force fields(content was: "Using the machine-learning-force-fields method, VASP can construct force fields based on ab-initio simulations. When constructing, testing, re-learning, and applying a force field, many aspects must be carefully considered. Some best practices are listed here, but note that the list is not exhaustive and the method has not yet been appli...", and the only contributor was "Karsai" (talk))
     14:42  ML ICRITERIA diffhist +117 Karsai talk contribs
     14:40  ML CTIFOR diffhist +214 Karsai talk contribs
N    14:39  ML CALGO diffhist +1,133 Karsai talk contribs (Created page with "{{DISPLAYTITLE:ML_CALGO}} {{TAGDEF|ML_CALGO|[integer]|0}} Description: Chooses error estimation type for on-the-fly training or reselection of local referenc configurations. ---- This tag chooes which algorithm is employed for the error estimation in {{TAG|ML_MODE}}=''TRAIN'' or ''SELECT''. The following two choices are available: *{{TAG|ML_CALGO}}=0: Bayesian error estimation. Constant or variable threshold. Default. *{{TAG|ML_CALGO}}=1: Spilling factor. Constant thr...")
     14:38  ML IERR diffhist +1,498 Karsai talk contribs
     14:38  Phelel params.hdf5‎‎ 3 changes history +203 [Mani‎ (3×)]
14:38 (cur | prev) +193 Mani talk contribs (Add categories and related links)
14:33 (cur | prev) +5 Mani talk contribs (Improve text)
14:22 (cur | prev) +5 Mani talk contribs (Fix INCAR tag)
     14:30  ELPH DRIVER diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:30  ELPH TRANSPORT DFERMI TOL diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:29  ELPH DECOMPOSE diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:29  ELPH TRANSPORT DRIVER diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:29  ELPH USEBLAS diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:29  ELPH LR diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:29  ELPH SELFEN MU diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:28  IFC LR diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:28  IFC ASR diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:28  ELPH SELFEN CARRIER PER CELL diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:28  ELPH SELFEN CARRIER DEN diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:28  ELPH IGNORE IMAG PHONONS diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:28  ELPH SELFEN TEMPS diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:27  ELPH ISMEAR diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:27  ELPH SELFEN WRANGE diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:27  ELPH SELFEN NW diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:27  ELPH NBANDS SUM diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:26  TRANSPORT NEDOS diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:26  ELPH RUN diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:26  ELPH SELFEN DW diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:26  ELPH SELFEN FAN diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:26  ELPH SELFEN STATIC diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:26  ELPH SELFEN IKPT diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:25  ELPH SELFEN KPTS diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:25  ELPH SELFEN BAND START diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:25  ELPH SELFEN BAND STOP diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:25  ENCUTLR diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:24  TRANSPORT RELAXATION TIME diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:24  ELPH SCATTERING APPROX diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:23  ELPH KSPACING diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:23  KPOINTS ELPH diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:23  ELPH NBANDS diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:23  ELPH SELFEN DELTA diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)
     14:23  ELPH SELFEN GAPS diffhist −17 Mani talk contribs (Remove elph release banner)