Description: choose the percentage of the integral of the derivative of the Fermi-dirac distribution with respect to the energy that is excluded from the integral that yields the Onsager coefficients.
Mind: Available as of VASP 6.5.0 |
Using this parameter, the values of ELPH_TRANSPORT_EMIN and ELPH_TRANSPORT_EMAX are automatically computed based on the list of chemical potential and the integral of the derivative of the Fermi-dirac distribution. This allows having a material independent parameter that is used to determine the energy window for which the electronic lifetimes must be computed.
A small value means that only the tails of the derivative of the Fermi-dirac distribution are excluded from the integral. A large value means that only a small energy window around the chemical potential is used.
The number of energy points is determined by TRANSPORT_NEDOS.