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S({\bf q}+{\bf G}) =\left[ \int {\rm d}\omega \ln( {\bf 1}+{\bf V}\cdot\chi(i\omega))-{\bf V}\cdot\chi(i\omega) \right]_{{\bf G},{\bf G}}({\bf q})
S({\bf q}+{\bf G}) =\int {\rm d}\omega  
\left\{(\mathrm{ln}[1-\tilde\chi^0({\mathbf{q}},\mathrm{i}\omega)V({\mathbf{q}})])_{{\mathbf{G,G}}}  +V_{{\mathbf{G,G}}}({\mathbf{q}})\tilde\chi^0({\mathbf{q}},{\mathrm{i}}\omega) \right\}

Revision as of 07:50, 11 June 2024


Description: ESF_SPLINES selects k-point interpolation in ACFDT(R) calculations using tri-cubic splines.

Interpolates the electronic structure factor in ACFDT/RPA calculations using tri-cubic splines to accelerate k-point convergence of the RPA correlation energy. This feature follows the same idea as in coupled cluster calculations.[1]

To this end, the electronic structure factor in the RPA

is evaluated on the k-point grid defined in KPOINTS and the correlation energy (as its trace) is stored.[2] To obtain the correlation energy on a finer k-point grid, more q-points are added using tri-cubic spline interpolation and the resulting energy is compared to the previous correlation energy. This procedure is repeated ESF_NINTER times until the difference in energy between the interpolation steps is less than ESF_CONV. The default settings of ESF_NINTER and ESF_CONV typically yield similar k-point convergence compared to the k-p perturbation theory approach, where the limit is stored to WAVECAR in a preceding DFT calculation using LOPTICS=T.

Tip: This method works for metals and insulators.
Warning: Remove WAVEDER before running the job and avoid setting LOPTICS.

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