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Show new changes starting from 13:58, 18 December 2024
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18 December 2024

     13:54  Electron-phonon potential from supercells diffhist +98 Mani talk contribs (Remove missing links and update the text for release)
     13:53  Makefile.include.aocc ompi aocl omp diffhist +183 Csheldon talk contribs
     13:52  PARCHG diffhist +297 Wolloch talk contribs
     13:51  Makefile.include.aocc ompi aocl diffhist +228 Csheldon talk contribs
     13:51 a64fx omp diffhist +143 Csheldon talk contribs
     13:51  LSEPB‎‎ 2 changes history +16 [Wolloch‎ (2×)]
13:51 (cur | prev) +23 Wolloch talk contribs
13:49 (cur | prev) −7 Wolloch talk contribs (→‎Related tags and articles)
     13:51  LSEPK diffhist +16 Wolloch talk contribs
     13:50 a64fx diffhist −86 Csheldon talk contribs
     13:50 aurora diffhist +141 Csheldon talk contribs
     13:49  Makefile.include.nvhpc ompi mkl omp acc diffhist +362 Csheldon talk contribs
     13:48  Makefile.include.nvhpc omp acc diffhist +186 Csheldon talk contribs
     13:48  Makefile.include.nvhpc acc diffhist +186 Csheldon talk contribs
     13:47  Makefile.include.nvhpc ompi mkl omp diffhist +913 Csheldon talk contribs
     13:47  Makefile.include.nvhpc omp diffhist +399 Csheldon talk contribs
     13:46  Makefile.include.nvhpc diffhist +399 Csheldon talk contribs
     13:46  Makefile.include.gnu ompi aocl omp diffhist +224 Csheldon talk contribs
     13:45  Makefile.include.gnu ompi aocl diffhist +215 Csheldon talk contribs
     13:45  Makefile.include.gnu ompi mkl omp diffhist +655 Csheldon talk contribs
     13:44  Makefile.include.gnu omp diffhist +190 Csheldon talk contribs
     13:44  Makefile.include.gnu diffhist +181 Csheldon talk contribs
     13:29  Transport coefficients including electron-phonon scattering diffhist +43 Mani talk contribs (→‎Thermoelectric coefficients and the ZT figure of merit: add temperature to figure of merit)
     13:25 serial diffhist +72 Csheldon talk contribs
     13:24 ompi mkl omp diffhist +423 Csheldon talk contribs
     13:24 omp diffhist +468 Csheldon talk contribs
     13:23 diffhist +190 Csheldon talk contribs
     13:22  Makefile.include.oneapi omp diffhist +157 Csheldon talk contribs
     13:21  Makefile.include.oneapi‎‎ 2 changes history +148 [Csheldon‎ (2×)]
13:21 (cur | prev) −4 Csheldon talk contribs
13:19 (cur | prev) +152 Csheldon talk contribs
     13:17  Makefile.include‎‎ 4 changes history +202 [Csheldon‎ (4×)]
13:17 (cur | prev) 0 Csheldon talk contribs (→‎HDF5 support (strongly recommended, and mandatory for some features)) Tag: Manual revert
13:06 (cur | prev) 0 Csheldon talk contribs (→‎HDF5 support (strongly recommended, and mandatory for some features))
13:05 (cur | prev) −1 Csheldon talk contribs (→‎HDF5 support (strongly recommended, and mandatory for some features))
13:05 (cur | prev) +203 Csheldon talk contribs (→‎HDF5 support (strongly recommended))
     13:13 Move log Huebsch talk contribs moved page Construction:Category:Electron-phonon interactions to Category:Electron-phonon interactions without leaving a redirect ‎
     13:13 Deletion log Huebsch talk contribs deleted page Category:Electron-phonon interactions(Deleted to make way for move from "Construction:Category:Electron-phonon interactions")
     13:03  METAGGA‎‎ 2 changes history −69 [Ftran‎ (2×)]
13:03 (cur | prev) 0 Ftran talk contribs
11:26 (cur | prev) −69 Ftran talk contribs
     13:00  GGA diffhist +522 Ftran talk contribs
     11:46  Template:Cite‎‎ 5 changes history −273 [Ftran‎ (5×)]
11:46 (cur | prev) +4 Ftran talk contribs
11:41 (cur | prev) −254 Ftran talk contribs
11:38 (cur | prev) −24 Ftran talk contribs
11:31 (cur | prev) +119 Ftran talk contribs
11:29 (cur | prev) −118 Ftran talk contribs
     11:29  KPUSE diffhist −7 Wolloch talk contribs (→‎Related tags and articles)
     11:29  EINT diffhist −7 Wolloch talk contribs (→‎Related tags and articles)
     11:29  NBMOD diffhist −7 Wolloch talk contribs (→‎Related tags and articles) Tag: Manual revert
     11:28  IBAND diffhist −7 Wolloch talk contribs
     11:28  LPARD diffhist −14 Wolloch talk contribs
N    11:27  LPARDH5‎‎ 2 changes history +831 [Wolloch‎ (2×)]
11:27 (cur | prev) +37 Wolloch talk contribs
11:23 (cur | prev) +794 Wolloch talk contribs (Created page with "{{TAGDEF|LPARDH5|[logical]|.FALSE.}} Description: Determines whether partial (band and/or '''k'''-point-decomposed) charge densities are written to {{FILE|vaspout.h5}} instead of {{FILE|PARCHG}}. {{NB|mind|This tag is only available as of VASP.6.5.0.}} ---- IF {{TAG|LPARDH5}} = .TRUE., the partial charge density from a post-processing run with {{TAG|LPARD}} = .TRUE. can be analyzed with {{py4vasp}}. E.g. for the simulation of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) images....")