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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
12:20, 31 July 2024 Shape pulay grids.png (file) 93 KB Csheldon   3
12:20, 31 July 2024 Pulay stress grids.png (file) 177 KB Csheldon   4
15:56, 25 July 2024 Pulay Stress Grids.jpg (file) 92 KB Csheldon Illustration of volume change on grids, plane wave cutoff, and number of plane waves. 1
09:55, 18 July 2024 Pressure energy volume.png (file) 134 KB Csheldon   3
09:52, 18 July 2024 ENCUT comp.png (file) 59 KB Csheldon   7
09:52, 18 July 2024 Kpoint comp.png (file) 60 KB Csheldon   8
11:38, 12 July 2024 Sloshing1.png (file) 335 KB Vaspmaster   1
13:54, 13 June 2024 STM Graphite exp sim.png (file) 129 KB Wolloch A combination of an experimental (left) STM image of Graphene, and a simulated one (using py4vasp). The experimental image was measured at ambient conditions (at room temperature, and in air), at the Department for Earth and Environmental Sciences, LMU, and Center for NanoScience (CeNS), Munich. The picture is in the public domain and was taken from Wiki Commons: The simulated image was produced by Michael Wolloch on June 13th... 1
13:16, 13 June 2024 Work function.png (file) 63 KB Schlipf Average potential perpendicular to the surface of the system 1
10:35, 13 June 2024 Band.jpg (file) 817 KB Schlipf Band structure plot of energy eigenvalues of orbitals 1
08:56, 13 June 2024 CRPA of (file) 262 KB Kaltakm Update CRPA tutorial of SrVO3 for vasp-6.4.3 and newer. 1
12:59, 12 June 2024 FMP method convergence.png (file) 23 KB Jona The graphic shows the convergence of lambda with progressing simulation time. Improvement of the first uploaded graphic 1
10:50, 12 June 2024 SrVO3 GW (file) 530 KB Kaltakm fix currupted file 2
15:03, 23 February 2024 AlN-phonons-LR-comparison.png (file) 99 KB Mani Phonon dispersion relation of AlN (wurtzite) comparing calculations with and without long-range dipole corrections. 1
15:03, 23 February 2024 MgO-phonons-LR-comparison.png (file) 92 KB Mani Phonon dispersion relation of MgO comparing calculations with and without long-range corrections. 1
10:06, 9 February 2024 Scdm-bands-c-4.png (file) 47 KB Mani remove excessive padding 3
09:57, 9 February 2024 Locproj-c-4.png (file) 49 KB Mani Band structure of diamond showing the four highest-lying valence states, comparing Wannier interpolation using LOCPROJ against ab-initio data. 1
14:30, 8 February 2024 Example neb negative energies.png (file) 68 KB Svijay An example of an NEB calculation gone "wrong". 1
13:57, 8 February 2024 Scdm-bands-lif-disentangle.png (file) 52 KB Mani Better legend placement 3
11:07, 8 February 2024 Scdm-bands-c-4.pdf (file) 32 KB Mani Band structure of diamond showing the four highest-lying valence states, comparing Wannier interpolation using SCDM against ab-initio data. 1
22:16, 7 February 2024 Pareto Azobenzene.png (file) 49 KB Karsai   1
21:56, 7 February 2024 Pareto Ethanol.png (file) 50 KB Karsai   1
15:01, 29 January 2024 HBN exciton.png (file) 367 KB Tal Charge-density of the first bright exciton in hBN. 1
16:03, 30 November 2023 IrcExample1.png (file) 8 KB Tbucko an IRC profile generated in a practical example 1
15:39, 30 November 2023 (file) 364 KB Tbucko   1
08:02, 29 November 2023 New wiki logo scaled.png (file) 6 KB Ces This is a test upload after the update to MW 1.40 1
17:31, 13 November 2023 SCC.png (file) 180 KB Vaspmaster   2
09:46, 18 October 2023 Nelect charged systems.png (file) 120 KB Svijay Results from example calculations illustrating the change in energy as the cell dimension is changed with setting the NELECT tag. 1
14:08, 17 October 2023 Workfunction potentials.png (file) 120 KB Svijay Schematic that illustrates the potentials as they vary along the surface normal for a calculation where the workfunction is to be determined. 1
11:44, 17 October 2023 Bandgap.png (file) 78 KB Schlipf Illustrates how the relative position of two bands changes a system from a semiconductor to a metal. 1
11:39, 17 October 2023 Bandgap.pdf (file) 7 KB Schlipf Illustrates how the relative position of two bands changes a system from a semiconductor to a metal. 1
10:30, 12 October 2023 Sketch Pseudopotentials.png (file) 42 KB Wolloch A Sketch taken from Wikipedia ( which illustrates the basic concept of a pseudopotential. 1
09:46, 21 September 2023 Spinor-space-example-saxis.png (file) 143 KB Huebsch   1
09:28, 21 September 2023 Saxis-angles.png (file) 97 KB Huebsch   1
07:24, 21 September 2023 SinglesDiagrams.png (file) 26 KB Kaltakm Feynman Diagrams of Singles contribution to the correlation energy. 1
11:41, 6 April 2023 Bias potentials.png (file) 9 KB Tbucko   1
12:10, 1 February 2023 Si HSE band.tgz (file) 74 KB Ftran   2
10:40, 27 July 2022 ERR BEEF CTIFOR vs MD step.png (file) 9 KB Karsai   1
07:55, 26 July 2022 Bad process binding.png (file) 52 KB Schlipf   1
07:55, 26 July 2022 Good process binding.png (file) 66 KB Schlipf   1
07:41, 26 July 2022 Communication2.png (file) 120 KB Schlipf   1
07:40, 26 July 2022 Communication.png (file) 120 KB Schlipf   2
15:59, 20 July 2022 Bsefatband.png (file) 77 KB Tal   1
15:49, 20 July 2022 Bsefatband.pdf (file) 66 KB Tal   1
16:02, 7 April 2022 Crpa method comparison.png (file) 107 KB Kaltakm disentanglement (blue), projector (red) and weighted (green) cRPA Hubbard-Kanamori interaction U 1
07:48, 7 April 2022 Ni d bands decoupled.png (file) 88 KB Kaltakm Disentangled d states (red) of fcc Ni 1
07:38, 7 April 2022 Ni d s bands.png (file) 99 KB Kaltakm d (red) and s (blue) bands of fcc Ni around the Fermi energy 1
07:19, 7 April 2022 SrVO3 t2g bands.png (file) 88 KB Kaltakm t2g states of SrVO3 form an isolated set of bands (red). 1
08:56, 19 October 2021 Logo.png (file) 26 KB Ces The new VASP logo 1
07:24, 1 September 2021 MLFF Liquid Si tutorial.tgz (file) 32 KB Karsai   1
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