when I do structural optimization with high accuracy, I find the calculation is difficult to converge, there s a suddenly obvious change of E0, then the E0 seem to be the same in the following several ion steps. but can not converge .
following is the OSZICAR
18 F= -.74433177E+03 E0= -.74441706E+03 d E =0.545887E-04
19 F= -.74433445E+03 E0= -.74441941E+03 d E =-.267739E-02
20 F= -.74433433E+03 E0= -.74441931E+03 d E =-.255814E-02
21 F= -.74433355E+03 E0= -.74441867E+03 d E =-.177958E-02
22 F= -.74381037E+03 E0= -.74389543E+03 d E =0.521396E+00
23 F= -.74367000E+03 E0= -.74375463E+03 d E =0.140376E+00
24 F= -.74367707E+03 E0= -.74376188E+03 d E =0.133298E+00
25 F= -.74377250E+03 E0= -.74385732E+03 d E =-.954237E-01
26 F= -.74381037E+03 E0= -.74389531E+03 d E =-.133300E+00
27 F= -.74381132E+03 E0= -.74389612E+03 d E =-.944028E-03
28 F= -.74381084E+03 E0= -.74389573E+03 d E =-.471490E-03
29 F= -.74381088E+03 E0= -.74389575E+03 d E =-.392610E-04
30 F= -.74381083E+03 E0= -.74389567E+03 d E =0.185320E-04
here is the INCAR
Start parameter for the Run:
ISTART = 0 job : 0-new 1-cont 2-samecut
ICHARG = 2 charge: 1-file 2-atom 10-const
INIWAV = 1 electr: 0-lowe 1-rand
Electronic Relaxation
PREC = Accurate
ENCUT = 550
ISPIN = 1 1:no split 2:with split
NBANDS = 540 total number of bands including empty bands
IALGO = 48 algorithm:38(more reliable) or 48
NELM = 60; NELMIN= 0; NELMDL= 3 Number of ELM steps (NELMDL:Number of random steps)
EDIFF = 1E-06 stopping criterion for ELM
BMIX = 1.0 mixing parameter
ISYM = 1 symmetry: 0-off 1-on (default for PP) 2-more efficient mem (default for PAW)
Geometric Relaxation
ISIF = 3 relax cell shape, volume, or ions(2 or 3 often)
EDIFFG = -1E-03 stopping criterion for IOM (negative: use force as criteria. positive:use energy as criteria)
NSW = 70 number of steps for IOM
IBRION = 2 move atom: -1-not move 0-MD 1-quasi-Newton 2-conjugate-gradient 3-with damping factor specified by
POTIM = 0.4 for IBRION=1,2,3: scaling constant for the forces; for IBRION=0: user must supply this value
LREAL =.TRUE. real space projections, TRUE recomended if atoms are more than 20
LWAVE=.FALSE. write wave function (default) or not
LCHARG=.FALSE. write charge density (default) or not
LAECHG=.FALSE. write core charge density or not(default)
DOS related values:
ISMEAR = 1 for metal use 1, 0 for insulator
SIGMA = 0.2
I have thought the step length was too long . then I change the IBRION (use 1 replace 2). then the problem seems solved.
but the same problem appear when I do structural optimization on the similar structure. here is the OSZICAR
16 F= -.74433399E+03 E0= -.74441894E+03 d E =-.158429E-03
17 F= -.74433403E+03 E0= -.74441896E+03 d E =-.397506E-04
18 F= -.74433399E+03 E0= -.74441894E+03 d E =0.457535E-04
19 F= -.74433406E+03 E0= -.74441896E+03 d E =-.702266E-04
20 F= -.74328323E+03 E0= -.74336803E+03 d E =0.105082E+01
21 F= -.74328328E+03 E0= -.74336808E+03 d E =-.500865E-04
22 F= -.74328337E+03 E0= -.74336818E+03 d E =-.920086E-04
23 F= -.74328343E+03 E0= -.74336823E+03 d E =-.539963E-04
24 F= -.74328342E+03 E0= -.74336822E+03 d E =0.814987E-05
Start parameter for the Run:
ISTART = 0 job : 0-new 1-cont 2-samecut
ICHARG = 2 charge: 1-file 2-atom 10-const
INIWAV = 1 electr: 0-lowe 1-rand
Electronic Relaxation
PREC = Accurate
ENCUT = 550
ISPIN = 1 1:no split 2:with split
NBANDS = 540 total number of bands including empty bands
IALGO = 48 algorithm:38(more reliable) or 48
NELM = 80; NELMIN= 0; NELMDL= 3 Number of ELM steps (NELMDL:Number of random steps)
EDIFF = 1E-06 stopping criterion for ELM
BMIX = 1.0 mixing parameter
ISYM = 1 symmetry: 0-off 1-on (default for PP) 2-more efficient mem (default for PAW)
Geometric Relaxation
ISIF = 3 relax cell shape, volume, or ions(2 or 3 often)
EDIFFG = -1E-03 stopping criterion for IOM (negative: use force as criteria. positive:use energy as criteria)
NSW = 70 number of steps for IOM
IBRION = 1 move atom: -1-not move 0-MD 1-quasi-Newton 2-conjugate-gradient 3-with damping factor specified by
POTIM = 0.4 for IBRION=1,2,3: scaling constant for the forces; for IBRION=0: user must supply this value
LREAL =.TRUE. real space projections, TRUE recomended if atoms are more than 20
LWAVE=.FALSE. write wave function (default) or not
LCHARG=.FALSE. write charge density (default) or not
LAECHG=.FALSE. write core charge density or not(default)
DOS related values:
ISMEAR = 1 for metal use 1, 0 for insulator
SIGMA = 0.2
the most surprise is that I have twice see the structure energy minimisation completed after E0's suddenly change.
1 F= -.74427990E+03 E0= -.74436259E+03 d E =-.744280E+03
2 F= -.74427982E+03 E0= -.74436273E+03 d E =0.759253E-04
3 F= -.74323096E+03 E0= -.74331383E+03 d E =0.104894E+01
4 F= -.74323097E+03 E0= -.74331385E+03 d E =0.104892E+01
5 F= -.74323099E+03 E0= -.74331387E+03 d E =0.104891E+01
6 F= -.74323102E+03 E0= -.74331389E+03 d E =-.263748E-04
7 F= -.74323106E+03 E0= -.74331393E+03 d E =-.706322E-04
8 F= -.74323107E+03 E0= -.74331394E+03 d E =-.838868E-04
9 F= -.74323108E+03 E0= -.74331395E+03 d E =-.372497E-05
10 F= -.74323110E+03 E0= -.74331397E+03 d E =-.229883E-04
11 F= -.74323117E+03 E0= -.74331404E+03 d E =-.996460E-04
reached required accuracy - stopping structural energy minimisation
LOOP+: cpu time12040.22: real time12071.56
4ORBIT: cpu time 0.00: real time 0.00
Start parameter for the Run:
ISTART = 0 job : 0-new 1-cont 2-samecut
ICHARG = 2 charge: 1-file 2-atom 10-const
INIWAV = 1 electr: 0-lowe 1-rand
Electronic Relaxation
PREC = Accurate
ENCUT = 550
ISPIN = 1 1:no split 2:with split
NBANDS = 540 total number of bands including empty bands
IALGO = 48 algorithm:38(more reliable) or 48
NELM = 60; NELMIN= 0; NELMDL= 3 Number of ELM steps (NELMDL:Number of random steps)
EDIFF = 1E-06 stopping criterion for ELM
BMIX = 1.0 mixing parameter
ISYM = 1 symmetry: 0-off 1-on (default for PP) 2-more efficient mem (default for PAW)
Geometric Relaxation
ISIF = 3 relax cell shape, volume, or ions(2 or 3 often)
EDIFFG = -1E-03 stopping criterion for IOM (negative: use force as criteria. positive:use energy as criteria)
NSW = 70 number of steps for IOM
IBRION = 2 move atom: -1-not move 0-MD 1-quasi-Newton 2-conjugate-gradient 3-with damping factor specified by
POTIM = 0.4 for IBRION=1,2,3: scaling constant for the forces; for IBRION=0: user must supply this value
LREAL =.TRUE. real space projections, TRUE recomended if atoms are more than 20
LWAVE=.FALSE. write wave function (default) or not
LCHARG=.FALSE. write charge density (default) or not
LAECHG=.FALSE. write core charge density or not(default)
DOS related values:
ISMEAR = 1 for metal use 1, 0 for insulator
SIGMA = 0.2
but after I calculated again ,the E0 change
1 F= -.74427980E+03 E0= -.74436248E+03 d E =-.744280E+03
2 F= -.74427956E+03 E0= -.74436249E+03 d E =0.245249E-03
reached required accuracy - stopping structural energy minimisation
LOOP+: cpu time15667.43: real time15711.24
4ORBIT: cpu time 0.00: real time 0.00
Start parameter for the Run:
ISTART = 0 job : 0-new 1-cont 2-samecut
ICHARG = 2 charge: 1-file 2-atom 10-const
INIWAV = 1 electr: 0-lowe 1-rand
Electronic Relaxation
PREC = Accurate
ENCUT = 550
ISPIN = 1 1:no split 2:with split
NBANDS = 540 total number of bands including empty bands
IALGO = 48 algorithm:38(more reliable) or 48
NELM = 60; NELMIN= 0; NELMDL= 3 Number of ELM steps (NELMDL:Number of random steps)
EDIFF = 1E-06 stopping criterion for ELM
BMIX = 1.0 mixing parameter
ISYM = 1 symmetry: 0-off 1-on (default for PP) 2-more efficient mem (default for PAW)
Geometric Relaxation
ISIF = 3 relax cell shape, volume, or ions(2 or 3 often)
EDIFFG = -1E-03 stopping criterion for IOM (negative: use force as criteria. positive:use energy as criteria)
NSW = 70 number of steps for IOM
IBRION = 2 move atom: -1-not move 0-MD 1-quasi-Newton 2-conjugate-gradient 3-with damping factor specified by
POTIM = 0.4 for IBRION=1,2,3: scaling constant for the forces; for IBRION=0: user must supply this value
LREAL =.TRUE. real space projections, TRUE recomended if atoms are more than 20
LWAVE=.FALSE. write wave function (default) or not
LCHARG=.FALSE. write charge density (default) or not
LAECHG=.FALSE. write core charge density or not(default)
DOS related values:
ISMEAR = 1 for metal use 1, 0 for insulator
SIGMA = 0.2
<span class='smallblacktext'>[ Edited ]</span>
when I do structural optimization with high accuracy, I find the calculation is difficult to converg
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when I do structural optimization with high accuracy, I find the calculation is difficult to converg
Last edited by ljzhang123 on Wed Oct 16, 2013 10:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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when I do structural optimization with high accuracy, I find the calculation is difficult to converg
EDIFFG = -1E-03 is surely not a 'good' criteria for precise structures.
And the total energy might change because of spin flips.
It also helps if you do not post the complete OSZICAR but e.g. the converged energies. :-)
EDIFFG = -1E-03 is surely not a 'good' criteria for precise structures.
And the total energy might change because of spin flips.
It also helps if you do not post the complete OSZICAR but e.g. the converged energies. :-)
Last edited by alex on Wed Oct 16, 2013 10:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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when I do structural optimization with high accuracy, I find the calculation is difficult to converg
[quote author= -1E-03 is surely not a 'good' criteria for precise structures.
And the total energy might change because of spin flips.
It also helps if you do not post the complete OSZICAR but e.g. the converged energies. :-)
Thank you for your attention. what do you mean by saying "EDIFFG = -1E-03 is surely not a 'good' criteria for precise structures." because I need to calculate the phonon frequency. so I have to ensure the force on the atom is small.
And the total energy might change because of spin flips.
It also helps if you do not post the complete OSZICAR but e.g. the converged energies. :-)
Thank you for your attention. what do you mean by saying "EDIFFG = -1E-03 is surely not a 'good' criteria for precise structures." because I need to calculate the phonon frequency. so I have to ensure the force on the atom is small.
Last edited by ljzhang123 on Wed Oct 16, 2013 11:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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when I do structural optimization with high accuracy, I find the calculation is difficult to converg
Hi again,
if I'm doing a phonon calculation on top of a structure I'll set the criteria to at least
EDIFF = 1.e-6
EDIFFG = -1.e-4
or better to
EDIFF = 1.e-8
EDIFFG = -1.e-6
in case I need a very good structure. With the latter INCAR the atomic positions are converged better than 0.1 pm (important for vibrational spectroscopy).
if I'm doing a phonon calculation on top of a structure I'll set the criteria to at least
EDIFF = 1.e-6
EDIFFG = -1.e-4
or better to
EDIFF = 1.e-8
EDIFFG = -1.e-6
in case I need a very good structure. With the latter INCAR the atomic positions are converged better than 0.1 pm (important for vibrational spectroscopy).
Last edited by alex on Wed Oct 16, 2013 1:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Newbie
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when I do structural optimization with high accuracy, I find the calculation is difficult to converg
[quote author= 1.e-6
EDIFFG = -1.e-4
or better to
EDIFF = 1.e-8
EDIFFG = -1.e-6
in case I need a very good structure. With the latter INCAR the atomic positions are converged better than 0.1 pm (important for vibrational spectroscopy).
That sounds great ! I'll have a try! Thank you very much!
EDIFFG = -1.e-4
or better to
EDIFF = 1.e-8
EDIFFG = -1.e-6
in case I need a very good structure. With the latter INCAR the atomic positions are converged better than 0.1 pm (important for vibrational spectroscopy).
That sounds great ! I'll have a try! Thank you very much!
Last edited by ljzhang123 on Wed Oct 16, 2013 2:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.