An oxide unit cell calculation (12 at.) with SCAN + 10% HF crashes due to insufficient memory at the outstart.
Technical details: vasp6.4.2; IntelXeon (40 cores); about 200 Gb RAM.
Parallelization: NPAR = 2; KPAR = 2
$ more nohup.out
running 40 mpi-ranks, on 1 nodes
distrk: each k-point on 20 cores, 2 groups
distr: one band on 10 cores, 2 groups
vasp.6.4.2 20Jul23 (build Jun 05 2024 18:57:13) complex
POSCAR found type information on POSCAR ZnW O
POSCAR found : 3 types and 12 ions
scaLAPACK will be used
LDA part: xc-table for Pade appr. of Perdew
POSCAR, INCAR and KPOINTS ok, starting setup
FFT: planning ... GRIDC
FFT: planning ... GRID_SOFT
FFT: planning ... GRID
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| (_) |____/ \____/ \_____| (_) |
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| internal error in: mkpoints_full.F at line: 1172 |
| |
| internal error in SET_INDPW_FULL: insufficient memory (see wave.F |
| safeguard) 375 374 |
| |
| If you are not a developer, you should not encounter this problem. |
| Please submit a bug report. |
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