How to build a graphene supercell?
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- Newbie
- Posts: 14
- Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:09 pm
- License Nr.: 1159
How to build a graphene supercell?
Hi everyone,
I trying to do a geometric optimization of BCN-nanosheet, but I don?t know how to build the supercell. My step to create the POSCAR file are the following:
1) take a nanosheet molecule from nanotube modeller and modify some atoms or change some carbons atoms.
2) convert this graphene nanosheet in a crystal using crystalmaker,
3) create the POSCAR file using VESTA.
However, I think that is wrong because when is running in VASP never finished and the energies contained large fluctuations.
Please help meeeeeee and thank you in advance... How to do a hexagonal supercell? How to build a graphene supercell?
My POSCAR file:
15.9790000916 0.0000000000 0.0000000000
0.0000000000 27.9549999237 0.0000000000
0.0000000000 0.0000000000 4.5999999046
17 122 17
0.194319993 0.172151998 0.500000000
0.347146004 0.172151998 0.500000000
0.270732999 0.247808993 0.500000000
0.270732999 0.449562013 0.500000000
0.347146004 0.525219023 0.500000000
0.194319993 0.525219023 0.500000000
0.270732999 0.752191007 0.500000000
0.347146004 0.827848017 0.500000000
0.194319993 0.827848017 0.500000000
0.652858973 0.827848017 0.500000000
0.576447010 0.752191007 0.500000000
0.729272008 0.752191007 0.500000000
0.652858973 0.626096010 0.500000000
0.729272008 0.550437987 0.500000000
0.576447010 0.550437987 0.500000000
0.652858973 0.323466003 0.500000000
0.729272008 0.247808993 0.500000000
0.194319993 0.071275003 0.500000000
0.117907003 0.096493997 0.500000000
0.041494001 0.071275003 0.500000000
0.499971002 0.071275003 0.500000000
0.423557997 0.096493997 0.500000000
0.347146004 0.071275003 0.500000000
0.270732999 0.096493997 0.500000000
0.117907003 0.146933004 0.500000000
0.041494001 0.222589999 0.500000000
0.041494001 0.172151998 0.500000000
0.805684984 0.071275003 0.500000000
0.729272008 0.096493997 0.500000000
0.652858973 0.071275003 0.500000000
0.576447010 0.146933004 0.500000000
0.576447010 0.096493997 0.500000000
0.499971002 0.172151998 0.500000000
0.423557997 0.146933004 0.500000000
0.117907003 0.298247010 0.500000000
0.117907003 0.247808993 0.500000000
0.041494999 0.323466003 0.500000000
0.958510995 0.071275003 0.500000000
0.882098019 0.146933004 0.500000000
0.882098019 0.096493997 0.500000000
0.805684984 0.172151998 0.500000000
0.729272008 0.146933004 0.500000000
0.652858973 0.222589999 0.500000000
0.652858973 0.172151998 0.500000000
0.576447010 0.247808993 0.500000000
0.499971002 0.222589999 0.500000000
0.423557997 0.298247010 0.500000000
0.423557997 0.247808993 0.500000000
0.347146004 0.323466003 0.500000000
0.270732999 0.298247010 0.500000000
0.194319993 0.373903990 0.500000000
0.194319993 0.323466003 0.500000000
0.117907003 0.399123996 0.500000000
0.041494999 0.373903990 0.500000000
0.958510995 0.222589999 0.500000000
0.958510995 0.172151998 0.500000000
0.882098019 0.247808993 0.500000000
0.805684984 0.222589999 0.500000000
0.499971002 0.373903990 0.500000000
0.499971002 0.323466003 0.500000000
0.423557997 0.399123996 0.500000000
0.347146004 0.373903990 0.500000000
0.270732999 0.399123996 0.500000000
0.117907003 0.449562013 0.500000000
0.041494999 0.525219023 0.500000000
0.041494999 0.474781007 0.500000000
0.958510995 0.323466003 0.500000000
0.882098019 0.298247010 0.500000000
0.805684984 0.373903990 0.500000000
0.805684984 0.323466003 0.500000000
0.729272008 0.399123996 0.500000000
0.652858973 0.373903990 0.500000000
0.576447010 0.449562013 0.500000000
0.576447010 0.399123996 0.500000000
0.499971002 0.474781007 0.500000000
0.423557997 0.449562013 0.500000000
0.117907003 0.600875974 0.500000000
0.117907003 0.550437987 0.500000000
0.041494999 0.626096010 0.500000000
0.958510995 0.373903990 0.500000000
0.882098019 0.449562013 0.500000000
0.882098019 0.399123996 0.500000000
0.805684984 0.474781007 0.500000000
0.729272008 0.449562013 0.500000000
0.652858973 0.474781007 0.500000000
0.499971002 0.525219023 0.500000000
0.423557997 0.600875974 0.500000000
0.423557997 0.550437987 0.500000000
0.347146004 0.626096010 0.500000000
0.270732999 0.600875974 0.500000000
0.194319993 0.676533997 0.500000000
0.194319993 0.626096010 0.500000000
0.117907003 0.701753020 0.500000000
0.041494999 0.676533997 0.500000000
0.958510995 0.525219023 0.500000000
0.958510995 0.474781007 0.500000000
0.882098019 0.550437987 0.500000000
0.805684984 0.525219023 0.500000000
0.499971002 0.676533997 0.500000000
0.499971002 0.626096010 0.500000000
0.423557997 0.701753020 0.500000000
0.347146004 0.676533997 0.500000000
0.270732999 0.701753020 0.500000000
0.117907003 0.752191007 0.500000000
0.041494999 0.827848017 0.500000000
0.041494999 0.777409971 0.500000000
0.958510995 0.626094997 0.500000000
0.882098019 0.600875974 0.500000000
0.805684984 0.676533997 0.500000000
0.805684984 0.626094997 0.500000000
0.729272008 0.701753020 0.500000000
0.652858973 0.676533997 0.500000000
0.576447010 0.701753020 0.500000000
0.499971002 0.777409971 0.500000000
0.423557997 0.752191007 0.500000000
0.117907003 0.903505981 0.500000000
0.117907003 0.853066981 0.500000000
0.041494999 0.928725004 0.500000000
0.958510995 0.676533997 0.500000000
0.882098019 0.752191007 0.500000000
0.882098019 0.701753020 0.500000000
0.805684984 0.777409971 0.500000000
0.499971002 0.827848017 0.500000000
0.423559010 0.903505981 0.500000000
0.423559010 0.853066981 0.500000000
0.347146004 0.928725004 0.500000000
0.270732999 0.903505981 0.500000000
0.194319993 0.928725004 0.500000000
0.958510995 0.827848017 0.500000000
0.958510995 0.777409971 0.500000000
0.882098019 0.853066981 0.500000000
0.805684984 0.827848017 0.500000000
0.729272008 0.903505981 0.500000000
0.652858973 0.928725004 0.500000000
0.576447010 0.903505981 0.500000000
0.499971002 0.928725004 0.500000000
0.958510995 0.928725004 0.500000000
0.882098019 0.903505981 0.500000000
0.805684984 0.928725004 0.500000000
0.347146004 0.222589999 0.500000000
0.194319993 0.222589999 0.500000000
0.270732999 0.146933004 0.500000000
0.270732999 0.550437987 0.500000000
0.347146004 0.474781007 0.500000000
0.194319993 0.474781007 0.500000000
0.194319993 0.777409971 0.500000000
0.347146004 0.777409971 0.500000000
0.270732999 0.853066981 0.500000000
0.576447010 0.853066981 0.500000000
0.652858973 0.777409971 0.500000000
0.729272008 0.853066981 0.500000000
0.576447010 0.600875974 0.500000000
0.729272008 0.600875974 0.500000000
0.652858973 0.525219023 0.500000000
0.576447010 0.298247010 0.500000000
0.729272008 0.298247010 0.500000000
I trying to do a geometric optimization of BCN-nanosheet, but I don?t know how to build the supercell. My step to create the POSCAR file are the following:
1) take a nanosheet molecule from nanotube modeller and modify some atoms or change some carbons atoms.
2) convert this graphene nanosheet in a crystal using crystalmaker,
3) create the POSCAR file using VESTA.
However, I think that is wrong because when is running in VASP never finished and the energies contained large fluctuations.
Please help meeeeeee and thank you in advance... How to do a hexagonal supercell? How to build a graphene supercell?
My POSCAR file:
15.9790000916 0.0000000000 0.0000000000
0.0000000000 27.9549999237 0.0000000000
0.0000000000 0.0000000000 4.5999999046
17 122 17
0.194319993 0.172151998 0.500000000
0.347146004 0.172151998 0.500000000
0.270732999 0.247808993 0.500000000
0.270732999 0.449562013 0.500000000
0.347146004 0.525219023 0.500000000
0.194319993 0.525219023 0.500000000
0.270732999 0.752191007 0.500000000
0.347146004 0.827848017 0.500000000
0.194319993 0.827848017 0.500000000
0.652858973 0.827848017 0.500000000
0.576447010 0.752191007 0.500000000
0.729272008 0.752191007 0.500000000
0.652858973 0.626096010 0.500000000
0.729272008 0.550437987 0.500000000
0.576447010 0.550437987 0.500000000
0.652858973 0.323466003 0.500000000
0.729272008 0.247808993 0.500000000
0.194319993 0.071275003 0.500000000
0.117907003 0.096493997 0.500000000
0.041494001 0.071275003 0.500000000
0.499971002 0.071275003 0.500000000
0.423557997 0.096493997 0.500000000
0.347146004 0.071275003 0.500000000
0.270732999 0.096493997 0.500000000
0.117907003 0.146933004 0.500000000
0.041494001 0.222589999 0.500000000
0.041494001 0.172151998 0.500000000
0.805684984 0.071275003 0.500000000
0.729272008 0.096493997 0.500000000
0.652858973 0.071275003 0.500000000
0.576447010 0.146933004 0.500000000
0.576447010 0.096493997 0.500000000
0.499971002 0.172151998 0.500000000
0.423557997 0.146933004 0.500000000
0.117907003 0.298247010 0.500000000
0.117907003 0.247808993 0.500000000
0.041494999 0.323466003 0.500000000
0.958510995 0.071275003 0.500000000
0.882098019 0.146933004 0.500000000
0.882098019 0.096493997 0.500000000
0.805684984 0.172151998 0.500000000
0.729272008 0.146933004 0.500000000
0.652858973 0.222589999 0.500000000
0.652858973 0.172151998 0.500000000
0.576447010 0.247808993 0.500000000
0.499971002 0.222589999 0.500000000
0.423557997 0.298247010 0.500000000
0.423557997 0.247808993 0.500000000
0.347146004 0.323466003 0.500000000
0.270732999 0.298247010 0.500000000
0.194319993 0.373903990 0.500000000
0.194319993 0.323466003 0.500000000
0.117907003 0.399123996 0.500000000
0.041494999 0.373903990 0.500000000
0.958510995 0.222589999 0.500000000
0.958510995 0.172151998 0.500000000
0.882098019 0.247808993 0.500000000
0.805684984 0.222589999 0.500000000
0.499971002 0.373903990 0.500000000
0.499971002 0.323466003 0.500000000
0.423557997 0.399123996 0.500000000
0.347146004 0.373903990 0.500000000
0.270732999 0.399123996 0.500000000
0.117907003 0.449562013 0.500000000
0.041494999 0.525219023 0.500000000
0.041494999 0.474781007 0.500000000
0.958510995 0.323466003 0.500000000
0.882098019 0.298247010 0.500000000
0.805684984 0.373903990 0.500000000
0.805684984 0.323466003 0.500000000
0.729272008 0.399123996 0.500000000
0.652858973 0.373903990 0.500000000
0.576447010 0.449562013 0.500000000
0.576447010 0.399123996 0.500000000
0.499971002 0.474781007 0.500000000
0.423557997 0.449562013 0.500000000
0.117907003 0.600875974 0.500000000
0.117907003 0.550437987 0.500000000
0.041494999 0.626096010 0.500000000
0.958510995 0.373903990 0.500000000
0.882098019 0.449562013 0.500000000
0.882098019 0.399123996 0.500000000
0.805684984 0.474781007 0.500000000
0.729272008 0.449562013 0.500000000
0.652858973 0.474781007 0.500000000
0.499971002 0.525219023 0.500000000
0.423557997 0.600875974 0.500000000
0.423557997 0.550437987 0.500000000
0.347146004 0.626096010 0.500000000
0.270732999 0.600875974 0.500000000
0.194319993 0.676533997 0.500000000
0.194319993 0.626096010 0.500000000
0.117907003 0.701753020 0.500000000
0.041494999 0.676533997 0.500000000
0.958510995 0.525219023 0.500000000
0.958510995 0.474781007 0.500000000
0.882098019 0.550437987 0.500000000
0.805684984 0.525219023 0.500000000
0.499971002 0.676533997 0.500000000
0.499971002 0.626096010 0.500000000
0.423557997 0.701753020 0.500000000
0.347146004 0.676533997 0.500000000
0.270732999 0.701753020 0.500000000
0.117907003 0.752191007 0.500000000
0.041494999 0.827848017 0.500000000
0.041494999 0.777409971 0.500000000
0.958510995 0.626094997 0.500000000
0.882098019 0.600875974 0.500000000
0.805684984 0.676533997 0.500000000
0.805684984 0.626094997 0.500000000
0.729272008 0.701753020 0.500000000
0.652858973 0.676533997 0.500000000
0.576447010 0.701753020 0.500000000
0.499971002 0.777409971 0.500000000
0.423557997 0.752191007 0.500000000
0.117907003 0.903505981 0.500000000
0.117907003 0.853066981 0.500000000
0.041494999 0.928725004 0.500000000
0.958510995 0.676533997 0.500000000
0.882098019 0.752191007 0.500000000
0.882098019 0.701753020 0.500000000
0.805684984 0.777409971 0.500000000
0.499971002 0.827848017 0.500000000
0.423559010 0.903505981 0.500000000
0.423559010 0.853066981 0.500000000
0.347146004 0.928725004 0.500000000
0.270732999 0.903505981 0.500000000
0.194319993 0.928725004 0.500000000
0.958510995 0.827848017 0.500000000
0.958510995 0.777409971 0.500000000
0.882098019 0.853066981 0.500000000
0.805684984 0.827848017 0.500000000
0.729272008 0.903505981 0.500000000
0.652858973 0.928725004 0.500000000
0.576447010 0.903505981 0.500000000
0.499971002 0.928725004 0.500000000
0.958510995 0.928725004 0.500000000
0.882098019 0.903505981 0.500000000
0.805684984 0.928725004 0.500000000
0.347146004 0.222589999 0.500000000
0.194319993 0.222589999 0.500000000
0.270732999 0.146933004 0.500000000
0.270732999 0.550437987 0.500000000
0.347146004 0.474781007 0.500000000
0.194319993 0.474781007 0.500000000
0.194319993 0.777409971 0.500000000
0.347146004 0.777409971 0.500000000
0.270732999 0.853066981 0.500000000
0.576447010 0.853066981 0.500000000
0.652858973 0.777409971 0.500000000
0.729272008 0.853066981 0.500000000
0.576447010 0.600875974 0.500000000
0.729272008 0.600875974 0.500000000
0.652858973 0.525219023 0.500000000
0.576447010 0.298247010 0.500000000
0.729272008 0.298247010 0.500000000
Last edited by rezorva on Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Global Moderator
- Posts: 1824
- Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2019 11:00 am
Re: How to build a graphene supercell?
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