imcalca̲t∈gbandstructurebutihavesomeprob≤ms.Mysystemisagraphe≠sheetonthe⊤ofsomelayersofamηl.Iimposetheperiodicityoftheunitcellofgraphe≠.ThisismyPOSCAR:--------------------------------------Graphe≠2.4651.002.13475262032864-1.23250.00.2.4650.̲tethebandstructure,asfirststep,irunajobwithINCARfi≤:---------------NWRITE=2PREC=HIGHENCUT=550ISTART=0ICHARG=2NELM=100EDIFF=1E-5ISMEAR=-5LDIPOL=.TRUE.IDIPOL=3-------------------andKPOINTSfi≤:-------------------24x24x20Γt understand.
But if i calculate bands structure for a single sheet of graphene (using absolutely same files of input) i don`t get difference in the two fermi level.
Can some one tell me the reason?
Thank you.
...band structure problem...
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...band structure problem...
Last edited by brocks on Sat Mar 10, 2007 5:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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...band structure problem...
please define 'not close'....
1) for a slab calculation, please choose just 1 k-point along the z-direction of the BZ.
2) the absolute values of Kohn-Sham energies (and hence the Fermi energy) cannot compared in different calculations, because the E=0 level is not defined in periodic supercells. (you could use the LVTOT=True option to obtain the constant energy level of the vauum of your slab as a point of reference) As a rough estimate for the common reference point, you can also check alpha+bet in both OUTCARs.
3) please check the highest occupied eigenvalues at k-points of the scf run which are close to the k-point which defines E_fermi in the bandstructure run.
[ Edited Wed Mar 14 2007, 04:07PM ]
1) for a slab calculation, please choose just 1 k-point along the z-direction of the BZ.
2) the absolute values of Kohn-Sham energies (and hence the Fermi energy) cannot compared in different calculations, because the E=0 level is not defined in periodic supercells. (you could use the LVTOT=True option to obtain the constant energy level of the vauum of your slab as a point of reference) As a rough estimate for the common reference point, you can also check alpha+bet in both OUTCARs.
3) please check the highest occupied eigenvalues at k-points of the scf run which are close to the k-point which defines E_fermi in the bandstructure run.
[ Edited Wed Mar 14 2007, 04:07PM ]
Last edited by admin on Wed Mar 14, 2007 3:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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...band structure problem...
I have a problem with the bandstructure calculation. I think the difference may be due to the ISMEAR as I have kept all parameters the same. My system is a semiconductor bulk system.
For the first run, I used ISMEAR=-5 for single point energy.
For the second run bandstructure calculation, I used ISMEAR=0 since tetrahedron method is not possible for this case.
The end result is that the fermi energies are quite different, as large as 1eV for some systems.
If I used ISMEAR=0 for the first run (single point), the fermi energy is closer to the 2nd bandstructure run (difference of around 0.2eV).
Should we use ISMEAR=0 or -5 for optimization/single point, followed by bandstructure calculation? I have sufficient K points for either case. Is the difference due to some other reasons? The accuracy of the fermi energies is quite important to me.
Thanks for your help.
<span class='smallblacktext'>[ Edited Wed Apr 25 2007, 09:44AM ]</span>
I have a problem with the bandstructure calculation. I think the difference may be due to the ISMEAR as I have kept all parameters the same. My system is a semiconductor bulk system.
For the first run, I used ISMEAR=-5 for single point energy.
For the second run bandstructure calculation, I used ISMEAR=0 since tetrahedron method is not possible for this case.
The end result is that the fermi energies are quite different, as large as 1eV for some systems.
If I used ISMEAR=0 for the first run (single point), the fermi energy is closer to the 2nd bandstructure run (difference of around 0.2eV).
Should we use ISMEAR=0 or -5 for optimization/single point, followed by bandstructure calculation? I have sufficient K points for either case. Is the difference due to some other reasons? The accuracy of the fermi energies is quite important to me.
Thanks for your help.
<span class='smallblacktext'>[ Edited Wed Apr 25 2007, 09:44AM ]</span>
Last edited by simly on Wed Apr 25, 2007 7:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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...band structure problem...
the Fermi level is always calculated from the uppermost occupied state, therefore it may change significantly if you change the type of the k-mesh (depending on the band strucuture), especially if you have not made careful k-point set convergence tests before. Furthermore, the smearing width (SIGMA) is taken into account if you choose Gaussian integration,
whereas it is not for the tetrahedron method.
whereas it is not for the tetrahedron method.
Last edited by admin on Wed May 02, 2007 11:56 am, edited 1 time in total.